Meelan Gurung is a business leader with a history of working in the investment management industry all over the world. Having worked in key leadership and senior management roles in United Kingdom (global tax and structuring), and Australia & New Zealand (CFO), Singapore (covering Asia) and Indonesia (as CEO, finance and tax), Meelan has developed a keen understanding of conducting and managing business within a multi-cultural and politically diverse environment in truly global enterprises. Appointed as the Group CEO (January 2013 – June 2017) to one of Avenue Capital Group’s largest investee companies in Asia – The Acuatico Group – headquartered in Singapore, which is an ASEAN-focused investor, developer and operator of water infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia. Under his tenure as CEO, the group turned around a loss-making business in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2012 to delivering a sustainable EBITDA margin of 65% for the financial period ending 2016. In Indonesia, for the water concession in Tangerang during the financial period ending 2016, the group delivered an EBITDA margin of 55% in 3 years from a loss-making business, whilst the Eastern Jakarta concession achieved a 50% margin, a level unprecedented in the concession’s history (bettering Suez’s operated and managed concession in Western Jakarta). He is currently the Senior Director in the CEO Office of Aspial Corporation, an investment holding company with 4 core businesses, namely property development, hospitality, jewellery and financial service. Above all his professional successes, Meelan is also a family man who prioritizes his family by focusing on spending quality time with his spouse and kids, his mom and aunt, his brothers and sister. Meelan is one of the founding members of Humans Of Our World and has been a part of them team since its start. Meelan combines his professional success with the family man he is to continue providing his input, service and guidance to Humans of our World and all its humanitarian achievements, as well as future efforts.